Day 3: Lie-ins, Faith No More and Polygrip
The third day was our first chance for a proper lie in, and we made the best of it. We were rudely awoken by some bloke trying to clean to room around 1 o'clock, and we just shouted "NO!" at him and did a swatting style gesture until he went away. We fell back asleep for a while until we felt well enough to drag ourselves out of bed to find some food.
We headed back to the Black Rose where we nearly fell asleep waiting for our food, it took so long. I also hollered at a fat man wearing a Faith No More t-shirt, to inform him that my boyfriend was at their gig in Dublin. Needless to say, he didn't care. After we were fed and watered we headed out for a spot of shopping, and bought some of the most amazeballs shoes I've ever seen in my life (which I still can't walk in. sad face.) I heart hooker shoes. I buy most of my shoes from shops that look like only strippers and porn stars shop there. If strippers can dance in such painful shoes, then why can't I walk in them? There must be some sort of trick.
"You alright for Polygrip?"
For some reason, Debbie made me go into the Early Learning Centre and compare the prices between the one she works in, and the one in Edinburgh. Snore. After about 30 seconds the smell of baby powder and that horrid milky dribble smell got to me and I threw a tantrum until she let me leave. Success. We popped into Superdrug again and I bought my own weight in lipglosses and I considered getting a Ped-Egg. I swear that thing followed me around for the whole trip. Everywhere we went, there were ads for that damned Ped-Egg. I made Debbie cackle when we were at the till and the bloke asked us did we have everything we needed. I said "I think so... don't think we've forgotten anything. Debbie? You alright for Polygrip?" (pointing to the display of Polygrip at the counter. The cashier bloke didn't find it very funny, but fxck him. We bought some more random mixers and headed back to the hotel to get ready for Enter Shikari. Back to the HMV Picture House we went, thankfully this time I felt fine.
For some reason, Enter Shikari fans have a penchant for throwing glasses of water over each other. Also, they enjoy throwing up everywhere and loosing shoes. I only know one Enter Shikari song which is "Mothership" (I didn't say I like it, mind) which they played that so I felt included. I can't really comment much on the actual gig because I think they're a bit shite anyway, so it's hard to tell if they played well. Neither of us were arsed staying for the encore and Debbie demanded we go to McDonalds before we went drinking. We decided to head to The Hive straight after the gig, a place that was recommended to us by the barstaff at Opium. It wasn't open yet when we got there, so we just headed back to Opium and once again proceeded to get bladdered. Our drink of choice was Vodka, Cherry Sourz and Lemonade. Needless to say my memory of the third day is patchy at best.
As it was our last day we made plenty of random friends, including a group of random Chinese business men. Debbie made a special "Opium Friend" who hung around like a bad smell until he was booted out for being off his face. Pleasant. We stayed in Opium til the death (5am) and staggered to MacDonalds for breakfast. No one is a bigger fan of Egg McMuffins then Debbie, so she was in her element when she found out they were serving breakfast. We munched on our eggy bacony goodness as we wobbled our way home, cackling at the week we'd had. We got back to the hotel and passed out, half-eaten McMuffins in hand.
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